About ViVi

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ViVi Boutique

Duis auctor elit, a justo non nec maxim enim ornare fusce sed ornare eros aenean fermentum luctus turpis et pretium aliquam tempor lorem iaculis, porta malesuada lectus, donec ultrices.

ViVi Boutique in Southlake Mall is a standalone store. ViVi Boutique elsewhere has nothing to do with our store. We take pride in being the best ViVi Boutique. We will help you have a happy day with the best products and services.

Mahatma Gandhi

Inspired by your


what you need

To Know About Us

Duis auctor elit a justo imperdiet, non maximus enim ornare. Fusce sed ornare eros aenean luctus turpis et pretium. Aliquam tempor lorem iaculis, porta elit at, lectus, donec ultrices, ipsum eu dictum rutrum, erat dui rhoncus magna, non blandit felis nunc nec nibh praesent aliquet mollis massa ac vulputate. Cras vel nunc et libero sodales aliquam nunc eget.

Happy Clients
Amazing Brands
Fashion Item
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they’re happy

Great customer! Sun was very pleasant and helpful! I found two great outfits! Bday Cruise here I come!!!

quanda lumpkin

❤❤ I have outfits from years ago that as re still in great condition and everytime I wear it, it’s like the 1st time again! Everyone loves it!

T Nelson
